Thursday, December 31, 2009


hi ladies, the movie, "precious", which is based off the February book, Push, is up for 3 golden globe awards, including best picture (drama) and best actress.
let's try to all go see it soon... 

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Eat Pray Love

Just wanted to give you a heads up one of our past reads is going to be a movie in 2010, Eat pray Love. Julia Roberts is playing the lead. Hope you all enjoy the holidays!

Friday, December 4, 2009

December Book Club: you suck! (literally!)

so we were all in agreement with this book... it sucks! i didn't even pick it up due to the comments from some who had already started it at our last meeting... so i don't even know how bad it was. it's a quick easy read... so i might still try it just to see.

thank you to donna for hosting last night's book club and making yummy quiche and chocolate cake for us!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November Book Club: Amy & Isabelle

thanks to Kathryn for having us all over to her home for our november meeting. It was a great turn out, with most of us there... and it was about 50/50 with this book. About half loved/liked it and half hated it.
it was an interesting read for sure...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October Book Club Meeting: The Help

thanks to maria for having us all over at her house last week for our october book club meeting. it was a good turn out and we all agreed and loved this book... :)

also a happy birthday to kathryn! maria got her the cutest little cake!
here are some funny pics i took with my crazy iphone camera apps.

maria will be sending out an email soon for the december book club...

also - a congrats to Corrie and her new baby Eva Jean who was born on 10/4/09. Corrie and her husband took Eva home yesterday and everyone is happy and healthly.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Help: Reading Group Discussion

i checked out kathryn stockett's website today and saw she had a bunch of reading group questions that might be good for our meeting tonight.
check out here site here

Reading Groups

1. Who was your favorite character? Why?

2. What do you think motivated Hilly? On the one hand she is terribly cruel to Aibileen and her own help, as well as to Skeeter once she realizes that she can't control her. Yet she's a wonderful mother. Do you think that one can be a good mother but, at the same time, a deeply flawed person?

3. Like Hilly, Skeeter's mother is a prime example of someone deeply flawed yet somewhat sympathetic. She seems to care for Skeeter--and she also seems to have very real feelings for Constantine. Yet the ultimatum she gives to Constantine is untenable; and most of her interaction with Skeeter is critical. Do you think Skeeter's mother is a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? Why?

4. How much of a person's character would you say is shaped by the times in which they live?

5. Did it bother you that Skeeter is willing to overlook so many of Stuart's faults so that she can get married, and that it's not until he literally gets up and walks away that the engagement falls apart?

6. Do you believe that Minny was justified in her distrust of white people?

7. Do you think that had Aibileen stayed working for Miss Elizabeth, that Mae Mobley would have grown up to be racist like her mother? Do you think racism is inherent, or taught?

8. From the perspective of a twenty-first century reader, the hairshellac system that Skeeter undergoes seems ludicrous. Yet women still alter their looks in rather peculiar ways as the definition of "beauty" changes with the times. Looking back on your past, what's the most ridiculous beauty regimen you ever underwent?

9. The author manages to paint Aibileen with a quiet grace and an aura of wisdom about her. How do you think she does this?

10. Do you think there are still vestiges of racism in relationships where people of color work for people who are white? Have you heard stories of parents who put away their valuable jewelry before their nanny comes? Paradoxically, they trust the person to look after their child but not their diamond rings?

11. What did you think about Minny's pie for Miss Hilly? Would you have gone as far as Minny did for revenge?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

amy and isabelle

If you google elizabeth strout and go to her website there is a list of suggested book club discussion questions.

Monday, September 7, 2009

the time traveler's wife movie meet up

a few of us met up last weekend to escape the brutal heat outside and to go see "the time traveler's wife" since we read the book a few months ago. overall i think we all enjoyed it... they left out the stuff we all think should have been left out of the book and i personally like the way the movie ended better than the book.
not sure how good the movie would be without reading the book first... i think it might be a little strange and depressing....
but i do think rachel mcadams was perfect for the part though...

Friday, September 4, 2009

we have a blog!

hello! we started a blog to make it easier to stay up to date on what we're reading and where we're meeting! we are so high-tech! :)
more to come soon!

- lady c's book club